Ruscon News

Hapag-Lloyd will enlarge capacity on Caribbean – Ecuador Service (SW2) and revise northbound schedule.

24 January 2012

    Hapag Lloyd has informed that during first quarter of this year it will enlarge capacity on the Caribbean – Ecuador service (SW2) by replacing current ships of about 1.800 teus with ships of about 3.100 teus (nominal capacity).

    Whilst the northbound rotation will no longer include calls at Caucedo, this market will continue to be covered by Chile – Peru Express service (SW1) which offers sufficient capacity at identical transit times.

    Furthermore a potential Buenaventura northbound call is still under review on the Caribbean – Ecuador service (SW2).

    The new proforma schedule covering the northbound leg of the Caribbean – Ecuador Service (SW2) will be effective as from week 8 in February 2012.

    The updated new proforma schedule will read as per below:

    Callao • Paita • Guayaquil • Manzanillo • Cartagena • Rotterdam • Hamburg • Antwerp • Le Havre • Kingston • Cartagena • Manzanillo • Guayaquil • Callao

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