Ruscon News

Queues at the Russian-Finnish border

26 January 2012

    Kilometers-long tails formed again at the Russian-Finnish border. The van-trucks have to await almost a whole day waiting for crossing it.


    The “Graniza on-line” web-site informs about huge queues at Brusnichnoe and Torfyanovka cross-border points.  At the Finnish side of a border in Vaalimaa day time speed of passage averaged 23 hours and 20 minutes. 

    By the night time it improved a bit. In Torfyanovka over 100 of van-trucks waited for about three and a half hours.  


    According to no such delays were noticed with cars and tourist buses. The time it takes for passage of passenger vehicles does not exceed 3 to 15 minutes at various cross-border pointes. 


    Customs officials have recommended truck drivers to choose for the less occupied crossing points, in order to reduce congestion at Torfyanovka. In the meantime additional customs staff has been allocated to extra-shifts to manage with the long queue at the Russian border entrance.

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